Dogwood Tree

The Art of Fall Foliage: Best Trees and Shrubs for Pittsburgh’s Autumn Landscape

In the heart of Pittsburgh, there’s a moment each year when nature dons her most magnificent attire. The green canopy of summer bursts into a breathtaking display of reds, yellows, and oranges. It’s a seasonal transformation that captures the essence of autumn and elevates our landscapes to a new level of beauty. In this journey, we’ll explore the art of fall foliage and discover the best trees and shrubs to adorn Pittsburgh’s autumn landscape. From fiery maples to elegant dogwoods, these botanical artists can turn your outdoor space into a canvas of autumnal splendor. Plus, we’ll uncover how American Groundskeeping, the local landscaping experts, can help you bring this masterpiece to life.

Red Maple Tree

The Magic of Fall Foliage

Autumn in Pittsburgh is nothing short of enchanting. The city’s rolling hills and river valleys provide the perfect backdrop for nature’s annual spectacle. The secret behind this seasonal magic lies in the leaves themselves.

Chlorophyll Breakdown

As days grow shorter and temperatures drop, trees and shrubs prepare for winter by breaking down the green chlorophyll in their leaves. This reveals the vibrant pigments that were always present beneath.

Anthocyanins and Carotenes

These pigments, specifically anthocyanins (reds and purples) and carotenes (oranges and yellows), are responsible for the breathtaking colors of fall foliage. Their intensity depends on factors like sunlight and temperature.

The Pittsburgh Palette: Best Trees and Shrubs for Fall Foliage

Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)

Known for its brilliant oranges and reds, the sugar maple is the crown jewel of Pittsburgh’s fall foliage. Plant one in your yard, and you’ll have a front-row seat to a fiery spectacle.

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

As its name suggests, the red maple paints the town red in autumn. Its leaves range from bright scarlet to deep burgundy, making it a showstopper.

Dogwood (Cornus florida)

Elegant and understated, the dogwood boasts deep red foliage in the fall. Its graceful branches add charm to any landscape.

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)

For a touch of whimsy, consider the sassafras tree. Its leaves come in three shapes – oval, mitten, and three-lobed – and burst into a kaleidoscope of colors in the fall.

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)

Known for its late bloom, the witch hazel’s fragrant yellow flowers appear in late autumn, adding a unique twist to your fall landscape.

Burning Bush (Euonymus alatus)

This shrub earns its name with vibrant crimson leaves that seem to catch fire in the fall. It’s a popular choice for hedges and borders.

Expertise from American Groundskeeping

While the beauty of fall foliage may seem effortless, crafting a landscape that truly shines in autumn requires expertise. American Groundskeeping, with their extensive knowledge of Pittsburgh’s unique climate and landscapes, can turn your fall foliage dreams into a reality.With their help, you can:

Select the Right Species

American Groundskeeping can guide you in choosing the perfect trees and shrubs for your specific location, ensuring they thrive in Pittsburgh’s fall climate.

Proper Planting and Care

Planting techniques, soil preparation, and ongoing care are crucial for vibrant fall foliage. American Groundskeeping’s expertise ensures your plants get the best start.

Year-Round Planning

Fall foliage is just one season in the grand scheme of landscaping. American Groundskeeping can help you plan a landscape that shines year-round, with thoughtful selections for each season.


As Pittsburgh prepares for its annual transformation into a canvas of reds, yellows, and oranges, you can be part of the masterpiece. By selecting the best trees and shrubs for fall foliage and enlisting the expertise of American Groundskeeping, your autumn landscape can become a work of art.
Imagine stepping into your yard and being greeted by the vivid hues of sugar maples, the deep reds of dogwoods, or the fiery brilliance of burning bushes. With a little help from nature and the professionals at American Groundskeeping, you can savor the artistry of fall foliage right in your own backyard.