Fire it Up: Comparing Wood vs Gas and Fire Pit vs Fireplace

When it comes to creating an outdoor living space, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right fire feature. Whether it’s a wood-burning fire pit or a gas-powered fireplace, the type of fire feature you choose can have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your space. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the pros and cons of wood vs gas and fire pit vs fireplace, to help you make an informed decision.

Wood-Burning Fire Pits

One of the biggest advantages of a wood-burning fire pit is the ambiance it creates. The crackling sound of wood burning and the smell of burning wood can add to the overall outdoor experience. Additionally, wood-burning fire pits are often less expensive than gas-powered fireplaces. However, there are also some downsides to consider. For example, wood-burning fire pits require more maintenance and cleaning, and can also create more smoke and ash.


  • A wood burning fire feature gives off a warm, natural glow and the crackling sound of a wood fire adds to the ambiance.
  • Wood is a renewable resource and is often less expensive than gas in the long run.
  • Wood burning fire features require less maintenance than gas fire features.


  • Wood burning fire features can be messy and require more work to start a fire and maintain it.
  • Wood fires produce smoke and ash, which can be a problem for people with allergies or respiratory issues.
  • Wood fires can be unpredictable and dangerous if not tended to properly.
  • Always look up local ordinances to wood burning

Gas-Powered Fireplaces

Gas-powered fireplaces offer a number of advantages over wood-burning fire pits. For one, they are much easier to maintain and clean. Additionally, gas fireplaces produce less smoke and ash, which can be a big plus for people who are sensitive to such things. However, gas fireplaces can be more expensive than wood-burning fire pits and they also don’t have the same ambiance as wood-burning fire pits.


  • Gas fire features are easy to start and maintain.
  • Gas fire features produce less smoke and ash, making them a better option for people with allergies or respiratory issues.
  • Gas fire features can be controlled with a thermostat or remote, making it easy to adjust the heat output.


  • Gas fire features can be expensive to install.
  • Gas fire features do not produce the same warm, natural glow as wood burning fire features.
  • Gas fire features can be less visually interesting than wood burning fire features.
  • Price of gas can be higher than wood to run on as a fuel.

Fire Pits vs Fireplaces

When it comes to choosing between a fire pit and a fireplace, the main thing to consider is the overall look and feel of your outdoor space. Fire pits are generally more casual and can create a more laid-back atmosphere, while fireplaces are more formal and can add a touch of elegance to your space. Additionally, fire pits can often be more portable and can be moved around as needed, while fireplaces are typically more permanent fixtures.

Making the Right Choice for Your Outdoor Living Space

In the end, the choice As you can see, there are pros and cons to both wood and gas fire pits and fireplaces. It ultimately comes down to personal preference, budget, and practicality. A wood burning fire pit or fireplace may be more traditional and offer a more authentic experience, but it can also be messy and require more maintenance. A gas fire pit or fireplace, on the other hand, is more convenient and requires less maintenance, but it may not have the same ambiance as a wood burning option.

When it comes to choosing between a firepit and a fireplace, it’s important to consider the purpose and location of the feature. A firepit is a great option for outdoor entertaining and can be placed in a backyard or patio. A fireplace, on the other hand, is typically used as a focal point in an indoor living space.

At American Groundskeeping along with R.I Lampus our trusted go to manufacturer , we understand the importance of making the right choice for your outdoor living space. Our team of experts can help you weigh the pros and cons of wood vs gas and fire pit vs fireplace, and work with you to create a beautiful outdoor living place that fits your budget and meets your needs. Whether you’re looking for a traditional wood burning fire pit or a modern gas fireplace, we have the skills and experience to bring your vision to life. With our help, you can enjoy a warm and inviting outdoor space for years to come.